About the Artist


Artist Biography  Lance Cannings

I was born and still live in the town made famous for being the birthplace of King Alfred the Great,Wantage in 1965.  I left  school disillusioned with the Art I was being taught.Living in a Racing town I can still recall my first equine studies whilst about ten years old. I had my imagination fired by the early visits that my father took me on  to our local track at Newbury, and I have been drawing and painting them ever since.I continued to paint whilst also working full time as a Civil Servant..  


Persian Punch and Martin Dwyer

Watercolours              Price £100

                              10" X 8 "



PRICE £140

18" X 8"

Drawings available of Racing's greatest personalties for  lower prices

Shown here Frankie Dettori and below Frankie winning on Golden Horn

 Frankel at Warren Place alongside master trainer Henry Cecil

Acrylics on Board                                                                      Price £200.